FabFilter Total Bundle (NO INSTALL, SymLink Installer)

An equalizer is probably the tool you use most while mixing and mastering, so you need the best of the best! With FabFilter Pro-Q 2, you get the highest possible sound quality and a gorgeous, innovative interface with unrivalled ease of use.
* What's new in FabFilter Pro-Q 2.03?
  • Fixed a bug that caused knobs and sliders to respond incorrectly to subtle mouse movements while dragging on OS X and High DPI displays on Windows.
  • Fixed a bug in the VST 2 plugin (introduced in Pro-Q 2.02) that caused the Auto Gain setting to always be set to Off when loading sessions saved with Pro-Q 2.01.
  • Various small visual fixes and improvements.
Lời nhắn
Bạn taỉ về chạy SymLink DeInstaller (Quyền Admin). Xong nhận VST rồi chạy file cờ rác để điền Key.
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