Glue a mix together, control dynamic range, and add rich character with the critically acclaimed music production tools in Ozone Advanced, including the new Vintage EQ, Vintage Compressor, and Vintage Tape modules. Audition masters before rendering with the new Codec Preview. Apply Ozone Advanced’s processing to mix busses, too, with individual plug-ins of all ten modules.
Plus, both versions of Ozone include the Maximizer, the Dynamic EQ, the new Vintage Limiter, Export Formats, and more. Use Ozone as a plug-in or as a standalone application.
Key Features
- Get essential mastering and mixing tools: Maximizer, Dynamic EQ (now in both Standard and Advanced), the new Vintage Limiter, Vintage Tape [Advanced Only], Vintage Compressor [Advanced Only], and Vintage EQ [Advanced Only].
- Build a high-tech new mastering chain when you mix-and-match components, going from fully modern to fully vintage to anywhere in between.
- Quickly achieve authentic sounds for any genre and style with a comprehensive bank of presets.
- Master within your audio editing software with Ozone as a plug-in or in its own environment with the standalone option.
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