Sonic Ladder Riffstation v1.6.3.0

A tool that will help you view the cords from your favorite songs and perform a variety of modifications to the track to extract the sounds you need. Music editing and production are certainly among the activities many users would like to get involved into, but they are much more difficult than they would seem at first glance. When it comes to working with specific musical instruments, things become even more complicated, but if playing the guitar is your hobby, for instance, then is worth taking a shot at using a tool like Riffstation. With a great looking interface and easy to use controls, this utility can surely help in analyzing and extracting song passages. The waveform view is a great way of taking a close look inside the actual track and the many adjustments that accompany it will make it possible for you to make and monitor changes in real-time.

After loading a song, you can play it and modulate its tempo using either the dedicated knob or by directly moving the beat up or down via the BPM function. There are also 4 different modes you can opt for, as they provide various stereo field settings. Isolating a certain frequency can be done from the corresponding area inside the ‘Jam Master’ tab of the main window. There are controls for field width, separation and a low and high filter, all adjustable through their own controls.

The ultimate practice app for guitarists and musicians:
Get the chords for any song in your collection
See the chord diagrams synced with the music
Slow down or speed up any piece of music
Change the key or pitch of any song
Isolate or mute the guitar in the mix
Get perfect practice loops synced with the beat

What’s new in verson

A new Language Interface Preference Menu has been added. 17 different languages are supported: English, French, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Norwegian, Finnish, Danish, Swedish, Polish, Russian, Hindi, Japanese, Korean and Chinese.
Added compatibility with Bluetooth Audio Devices.
Added compatibility with AirPlay-enabled devices.
Fixed audio distortion problem on some specific Retina Display Mac models.
Several small bugs have been fixed.
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